Eco Turf & Tick Control

Natural Tick Control Services

Enjoy your yard without worrying about Lyme disease carrying ticks. Our natural spray applications are effective for up to 1 month and are safe for your family and pets. 

Controlling ticks without the use of synthetic pesticides

This is a Tick, and they will be hatching out all over your property this Spring. There are many ticks that are common around your lawn, landscape and woods. There is the wood tick, the dog tick, and the worst one, the deer tick, for it is the deer tick that carries Lyme Disease.deer tick on a leaf

Lyme Disease in humans and pets have been rising higher and higher since the 1980’s. When a human contracts “Lyme Disease” it is very dangerous and very expensive to treat.

Deer ticks are hard to see. They can be the size of a pin head. Once bitten, a red bulls-eye will appear. In several weeks the person or pet become very ill, and will stay that way unless the proper medical treatments are performed. 

Deer ticks love to grow in very high grass, overgrown landscapes, stone walls, wood piles and in landscape mulch. They love damp and shady areas. Full sunlight will kill deer ticks in the Larvae and Nymph stage.

How can Eco Turf & Tick Control maintain a tick free yard without using any toxic pesticides?

Our tick control program uses several different 100% natural products such as cedarwood oil which are so safe they are EPA exempt. 

Spray Applications

Our tick control applications both kill and repel Lyme disease carrying ticks on your property, effective for about 3 weeks per treatment.

The treatment is applied in areas that will target the ticks’ natural habitat. We generally start by treating the perimeter of your property, creating a barrier between your lawn and the tall grasses and wooded areas where ticks tend to live. 

We specifically target any areas where you, your family or pets tend to go, landscaping beds, around shrubs, sheds, retaining walls, shady areas, patios, or any other areas that you request or that we determine to be important. Depending on the size of your yard, some areas of your lawn will get a full blanket application. 

Non Toxic

Our natural spray applications are safe for your family, pets and also ourselves.

Environmentally Friendly

Synthetic pesticides have the potential to cause issues with ground water, off target wildlife, can cause pesticide resistance, along with many other issues. 


The ingredients in our products are essential oils derived from trees and plants, which have a natural fragrance.

There are many hot spots in your yard where we will specifically target. Some areas in your yard you can also take steps to reduce the tick population right away. 

Tall grass

Ticks enjoy tall grasses and vegetation they can attach themselves to while waiting for something to walk by. Keeping your grass mowed will create a less desirable environment for ticks.

Wood piles

Moist wooded areas are inviting for ticks. Keeping piles of wood or logs, sticks or brush creates an area that ticks like to be in. Look at this picture, perfect example of a tick haven!

wood piles attract ticks

Leaf piles

Just like wood or brush piles, mounds of leaves also provide an excellent environment for ticks. Getting rid of leaves will help to control the tick population in your yard.

Stone walls 

Areas that provide shade and moisture are highly desirable for ticks. We’ll target any stone walls and retaining walls on your property.

Shady areas

Ticks don’t do well in heat and direct sunlight. Around decks, sheds, under trees and other shaded areas provide a safe environment for ticks to thrive.

Play areas

We may recommend moving play sets to a spot with more sunlight. A better lit area, plus a perimeter of wood chips will help to prevent ticks from entering play areas.


Gardens can not only attract deer and other wildlife, but also provide cover and moisture. Removing garden debris will discourage ticks and also rodents that may be carrying ticks.

Blacklegged ticks (deer ticks)

One of the 3 most common ticks in New York state. These are the ones that carry the bacteria that cause Lyme disease and are small, about the size of a poppy seed to a sesame seed depending on sex and stage in life cycle.

American dog ticks

Nymphs and adults can transmit Tularemia and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. These ticks can survive for up to 2 years without a host.

Lone star ticks

These ticks can cause alpha-gal syndrome and other reactions in humans. Just like the deer ticks, this tick’s bite also leaves a bullseye shaped rash.

Tick Tubes

Tick tube treatments in addition to our spray application will help to reduce tick populations through their contact with mice. Biodegradable tick tubes are placed around your property in areas where mice can collect the cotton inside for their bedding. The cotton is treated with Permethrin, a synthetic insecticide, which then comes in contact with the ticks on the mice.

This is not an organic application, but is out of sight and out of contact with humans, and has a very minimal environmental footprint. This is an optional service that we provide twice per year, Spring & Fall.

Thorough tick control treatment

A common complaint we hear about other companies is that their technicians do one quick pass and are gone in less than 5 minutes. That’s not the kind of service you’ll get with Eco Turf & Tick. All important areas will be treated properly.

Is natural tick control safe for pollinators?

Yes. The main ingredient in our natural spray applications (cedarwood oil) affects mosquitoes, ticks, and other pests mainly by interfering with their pheromone systems (octopamine). This causes problems with their breathing, reproduction, movement and many other bodily for pollinators

Bees and butterflies don’t use octopamine neurotransmitters in the same way, so they are not affected.

As an added precaution, we don’t directly spray flowers. Shrubs and landscaping are sprayed but flowering shrubs and flowers are not, just to protect pollinators from being blasted by the high powered mist blower.

Permethrin, which is the most commonly used pesticide for controlling mosquitoes is highly toxic to bees and butterflies. Chemical pesticides not only kill on contact, but also leave a residual that can kill pollinators when they land on a surface that was treated. 

Service every 3 weeks

Our natural tick control spray applications are done every 3 weeks with some variation due to weather. You don’t need to be home, we just need access to your property and to be sure any pets and children are inside.

There is no commitment and easy cancellation if you are unhappy with our service.

Easy automatic billing after each application.

One time treatments are also available for special events upon request.

Natural tick spray for your yard

Safe to spray around people, plants and pets with an immediate re-entry time. Our product is FIFRA 25b exempt and made from all natural ingredients.