For your ornamental shrubs, flower beds and landscaping, we provide fertilization, pest management, winter protection and more.
The “traditional” method of maintaining trees & shrubs is to SPRAY SPRAY SPRAY! Almost always toxic pesticides or toxic fungicides are used. This exposes your family and pets to them. The “spray drift” also kills beneficial insects and can harm song birds.
At Eco Turf & Tick Control our approach is quite different. To improve and maintain a healthy lawn, we improve the soil under the grass, to make it more fertile and productive. We use the same approach when we take care of trees and shrubs. We spray your trees and shrubs with an all natural application but also target their soil underneath.
The first step is to have the soil tested around your trees and landscaping. Based upon that report, We will know the exact make up of the soil.
Is it infertile with low organic matter?
How acidic is the soil? (most shrubs need acidic soil which is opposite from lawn care).
Once we have the correct information, we start feeding the soil, and correct any deficiencies. With a fertile and productive soil underneath, your trees’ and shrubs’ root systems get longer and deeper. The trees and shrubs become healthier.
If you are interested in having Eco Turf & Tick Control take care of your trees and shrubs, just contact us here for a fast and free quote.
Our liquid fertilizer treatment is applied to your flower beds, trees, shrubs and new plantings. Absorbed through both roots and leaves, our biostimulant + fertilizer will help your ornamental trees and shrubs flourish by promoting rapid growth of beneficial fungi, hyphae and protozoa, and also the nutrients needed for a stronger root system and richer foliage.
We control aphids, gypsy moth caterpillars, Japanese beetles and many other destructive pests without the use of chemical pesticides.
Protection for your shrubs from winter burn.
Rhododendrons, Hollies, Laurels and many others can be damaged by extreme cold. As winter winds and sun evaporate water, your evergreen shrubs can lose too much moisture, causing their leaves to dry out and shrivel up. With the root systems in frozen soil, water can’t be replaced.
In November, we apply a non-toxic anti-desiccant which will act as a protective film preventing excessive moisture loss.
Conifers and deciduous shrubs also benefit from this treatment, so we also treat roses, hydrangea, arborvitae, juniper and others.